TCC’s Board of Directors (BoD) is a dynamic group of dedicated leaders who have over 250 years of collective civic engagement experience as citizens, experts and organizational leaders working on nuclear issues. This wise group of elders is in a great position to guide the organization over the next decade as TCC expands and adapts to new challenges in citizen engagement on nuclear issues.
Bob Kinsey, Co-Chair of the Board of Directors,
is a long-time Colorado resident, a widower who helped raise seven children, and a proud grandfather also! He attained his undergraduate degree in World History from Dartmouth University, his Master’s Degree Guidance and Counseling from Colorado State University and his Master of Divinity from Chicago Theological Seminary. He is a United States Marine Corps veteran, with three years active duty. He was the 1999 representative to The Hague Appeal for Peace, a twenty-five year retired veteran of public service as a history and social studies teacher.
His awards include a nomination as Golden High School teacher of the year, the International Teacher of the Year Award from the Denver Council on Foreign Relations, the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education. He is a retired United Church of Christ clergyman with forty years of advocacy for the Just Peace Theology and a representative to the national Alliance for Nuclear Accountability.
Judith Mohling, Co-Chair of the Board of Directors
and a practicing psychotherapist, coordinates the Nuclear Nexus Project: Working to End Local Hazards and the Global Threat, which is a collective of the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center. She focuses primarily on the global nuclear threat by her membership in the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, educating Coloradans about the need to de-alert nuclear missiles based in Colorado as a step toward nuclear abolition and by stopping the creation of a new nationwide “Bombplex,” including a “Second Rocky Flats.”
She is also deeply involved in the local hazards of the defunct Rocky Flats nuclear bomb plant and keeping it forever closed to the public. She is a parent and a grandparent.