Several “bannerings” will be held in Colorado, joining with many others around the US and the World celebrating this event.
In Colorado Springs this bannering will be held in front of City Hall 22 January, from 11:30 to 1 PM and will include handouts to passers by. Be masked and keep social distance at 6 feet please.
In North Boulder, Friday, January 22nd from 12:00pm – 4:00pm at the Courtyard East of Lucky’s Market at 3960 Broadway #104, Boulder, CO 80304. We come together to celebrate the Nuclear Ban Treaty taking effect internationally! We will have banners, signs, music, art, and more information on the ban treaty, as well as opportunities to get involved.
In Denver a group of individuals affiliated with Quakers and the Loretto Community are asking City Council to adopt a resolution/proclamation in support of the Treaty to Abolish Nuclear Weapons at their meeting on Jan. 25. People who live in Denver are urged to contact their council person. On the day of EIF, Friday Jan. 22 at noon we will banner in front of the State Capitol on the 1400 block of Lincoln from noon-1. Anyone is welcome to bring a sign if they wear a mask and practice social distancing. We note that metro Denver hosts thousands of workers at Lockheed Martin, Buckley Air Force base, Raytheon, Northrup-Grummon, and Jacobs Engineering Group (THANK YOU to !) Colorado also has as many as 49 land-based Minuteman III missiles on alert, planted in the earth just south of the Wyoming border.
The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center and Naropa are sponsoring an online screening of the ICAN documentary “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons,” which explains the history and importance of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. The film screening 6:30 to 8:30 on January 22 via Zoom will be followed by a presentation on nuclear issues occurring locally, as well as how you can get involved. Check the RMPJC web site for Zoom details.
“Today, 22 January, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) enters into force as binding, international law for its first 50 states parties. The entry into force of the Treaty is a milestone in the global community’s efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons. The TPNW codifies the norms and actions that are needed to create and maintain a world without nuclear weapons. The impact of the Treaty will be built gradually and will depend on how its provisions are accepted and applied by each and every state. At the First Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW, which will take place in Austria within a year after entry into force, the states parties will start taking important decisions that will shape the long-term implementation, institutionalisation, and universalisation of the Treaty.
—From Nuclear Ban Monitor (
For more information check out,” and MEDIA PACKET: Nuclear Ban Treaty EIF – Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (